fun and value

40% More Engaging

Playing our business games will be an extremely joyful educational experience for your team, meaning they’ll be willing to play again and again until they’ve mastered new skills and significantly improved their performance.

Enable Trainees to Apply More Than 70% Of Their Newly Acquired Skills

The educational content of our business games is not academic, theoretical, or generic. It is based on executive modules that will enable your team to apply the skills they’ve acquired in real-life situations.

A Measurable Development Tool

You’ll be able to assess the improvement of each individual in your team, because every game targets a specific set of skills that can be easily measured.

Memorable Content

Business Games help trainees remember 60% of their newly acquired skills from the first playing session thanks to the “Intensive Repetition Method” that the games are based on.

No Understanding Difficulties

Your team will be able to fully understand, remember, and apply all the skills targeted in each of our business games, because there will be no barriers between the trainer (you) and trainees (your team). That’s because the games aren’t online-based or a one-way instructional method, but rather an interactive training experience that leaves no space for understanding difficulties.

New Models & Knowhows

Your team will learn new skills and gain knowledge that they’ve never learned before, which will help them achieve higher targets. That’s because 100% of our business games are built on neoteric business modules and knowhows developed by Fun & Value’s R&D department, which we believe has some of the best talents worldwide.

Preferred by Most Trainees

The innovative, game-based training method that is our business games ranks as the most preferred among all other methods, meaning you won’t find any team member preferring any other way of learning to playing our games.

Cheaper Than Any Other Training Option

Business Games are cheaper than all the training methods currently available. So, opting for our games will save you a ton of money, because you’ll be saving by minimum 20% to 40% of your current training budget.

One-Time Cost

Business games are only bought once, and they’ll last you a lifetime. So, you’ll achieve 100% cost efficiency without having to worry about the additional costs of training new employees, meaning it will never be a wasted investment.

Minimize Turnover Rate

Seeing as 30% of turnover is a result of employees feeling they are not developing their skills due to lack of efficient training; business games will provide the best training that will help you retain your team members.

Preferred by CEOs & HR Managers

It’s very unlikely that any manager would oppose the adoption of our business games as a training method. Afterall, managers in senior positions are mostly concerned with three factors: cost, time, and efficiency, which are the main advantages of our business games.

Affordable for Startups, Small & medium companies

You will not hesitate to make you own Business Games Games because it’s affordable for all companies sizes as it is cheeper than a trainer with a presentation, online course corporate bundle, business simulation training session or customized game.

Increase loyalty

Statistics show that 81% of employees prefer to work in companies that use game-based tools in their development programs. So, adopting our business games as your training method will definitely help you increase your employees’ loyalty.

Make Employees More Connected To, and Inspired By, Their Managers

Business games are designed to be facilitated in cooperation with internal managers so that you become a source of inspiration, knowledge, and experience to your team, thus maximizing your influence and helping you become a real great leader.

Non-repetitive Educational Content

Most training companies and trainers design their educational content using free websites and YouTube videos, which makes an average of 33% of the trainees feel like they already know the material. Fun & Value business games, on the other hand, introduce a brand-new educational content, giving your team a sense of novelty regarding the content they are learning.

High Feeling of Improvement

Unlike traditional training, each of our business games targets a specific set of skills for your team to understand and memorize. This limited scope of information will help them acquire the new skills very easily from the first playing session.

Fun & Interactive

A key element in Fun & Value’s business games is making the playing experience fun, joyful, and interactive so that your team is driven to play the game multiple times, helping you achieve maximum benefit from your investment.

Easy to Play

Fun & Value’s business games are structured on a simple set of rules and guides so that you and your team can understand the game and start playing right away, meaning you won’t have to waste any time explaining instructions and getting lost in the details.

Can Be Played Just for Fun

All our business games are designed to be fun rather than educational, which means that you can still play our games when you want to spend free time with your team doing something fun in a business environment.

Enjoyable Enough to Be Played Again and Again

Our business games have been tested on more than 21 game factors to assure that all the games are enjoyable enough to make your team eager to play again and again, meaning you can remind them of the skills of each game whenever you like.

Simple Game Instructions

Our game instructions average between 15 to 20 pages, so you won’t have to read a 300-page instruction book like you’d have to if you decide to opt for some of the business simulations on the market.

Middle East Edition

For the first time in the history of the Learning & Development industry, an advanced training tool is now available in Arabic! Being that the Middle East has become one of the fastest growing markets in the world, we’ve made it a point to make our business games available in Arabic so that our clients in the Middle East can benefit from the outstanding training experience we provide.

Easy to Understand

All our games come with three brief handbooks: The Game Instructions, The Model Manual, and The Manager’s Manual. All three are drafted to help you easily understand the game in record time.

Waaaaaay Cheaper Than Business Simulations and Customized Games

Average prices of business simulations start from $5,000 and can reach to upwards of $150,000. Similarly, customized games start from $50,000 to upwards of a million dollars in some cases! This price range is waaaaaay higher than what we offer at Fun & Value, meaning you can buy several of our business games and business game collections and it will still be cheaper than other training methods.

Functional Knowhow Manual

Each of our business games has its own model manual that explains the details of the business knowhow, model, or set of skills specific to each game. This will help you understand the knowledge and information related to each game so you can easily, correctly, and efficiently deliver it to your team.

Inspiring Manager’s Manual

The manager’s manual included with each of our business games is specifically drafted to empower you to provide your team with an outstanding training experience, even if you have no previous experience in training.

You Can Buy Our Business Games Anywhere in the World

Fun & Value’s online store is supported with a global network of trainers, agents, and warehouses across the globe, so you can grab your favorite business game wherever you are in the world.

No Need to Hire a Trainer

One of the biggest advantages of Fun & Value’s business games is that you don’t have to hire a trainer or a training company to facilitate the game for your team. For the first time in the Learning & Development industry worldwide, there is a training method you can facilitate yourself! All our business games are designed to be facilitated by managers and team leaders, making them a source of knowledge to their teams.

You Can Always Hire One of Our Licensed Gamers to Facilitate the Game

If you have a tight schedule and don’t have the time to facilitate our business games yourself, you can always hire one of Fun & Value’s licensed gamers for additional fees. Our highly capable trainers will help facilitate the game on your behalf and ensure that your team gets the best out of our business games.

Customize Your Own Business Game

If you have a specific set of skills you want to develop in your team and can’t find it in any of our ready-made game collections, we can customize a business game specifically for you. But keep in mind you’ll need to have deep pockets. Designing a customized business game is a very expensive process after all.

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Order your Business Game now

Save your time and money, with an efficient team work